British Values

At Rushey Green Nursery British Values are embedded in everything that we do making these values meaningful and age appropriate.


We encourage children to talk about and share their views and feelings helping them to know that their views are important and valued. We encourage the children to listen to and respect the views of others and that it is ok to share a different view/opinion. We encourage children to question, and that this is how we find out and make sense of the world in which we live.
We promote activities that encourage the children to work together, to take turns and to share.  

This can include board games, ring games, taking turns to share news, taking turns to choose an activity or a song to sing. We may ask children to raise their hand if they would like to choose between two options ie) shall we have red sand or blue sand today?

Rule of Law

At Rushey Green Nursery we have rules and boundaries that helps the children to stay safe.  

We help children to understand the consequences of behaviour by talking to them within small groups and at one to one times. We have rules such as, no running inside, always telling an adult when you need to leave the room.

Children are encouraged to take responsibility and pride of their environment, including helping to look after and take care of resources, this includes putting the books back on the shelf when finished, finding the missing puzzle pieces so it is ready for the next person to use, all helping at tidy up time by taking on responsibility areas.   

These activities help the children to take pride in resources and their learning environment, by sharing tasks and working together as a team.

Individual Liberty

At Rushey Green Nursery we encourage children to be proud of themselves and of each other.   
We encourage the children to have discussions within a group to express their feelings and views and to gain the confidence to do so.    

The nursery areas are organised to allow the children to make decisions and choices about their own learning, to enable them to become active learners who are eager to find out more.  

The nursery plans activities for the children to develop a positive self-image, self-esteem and confidence.   

We plan activities such as an obstacle course, so that children gain experience of risk taking. We build tents and dens, to work as a team and decide how to proceed. We encourage children to evaluate their work, what went well and help children to think about how you would attempt this next time. It is important that children feel that their involvement and participation is valued, so adults use positive language at all times to help children to feel proud.

Mutual Respect 

Rushey Green is a fully inclusive nursery, where every child matters.    

We help children to value and respect themselves and each other.   

We actively promote diversity and celebrate differences. We plan activities that celebrate traditions and festivals, this includes Chinese New Year, Diwali, Easter.  

We help children to learn about the local community by visiting the local area; the park, the library, the market, the barbers, the mosque.  

At Rushey Green we differentiate the curriculum to meet the needs of individual children, the key person plans for each child by working in partnership with parents/carers. We take time to learn about faiths and traditions and share books, poetry, and individual experiences to enhance both children and adults knowledge.
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