
At Rushey Green Nursery we have many policies that we ask staff, parents and carers to abide by. We review our policies each year to ensure that they are up-to-date and shared with staff and parents/carers.
Please see below for the list of policies that we have. If you would like to read any of our policies please contact the nursery and we can email them to you, alternatively we have a folder in the main office where policies can be viewed.


Safeguarding children
Allegations against staff
Confidentiality & information sharing
Uncollected child
Missing child
Outings and visits
maintaining children's safety on the premises
Complaints procedure
Whistle blowing
Recruitment policy
Mobile phones & cameras

Equal Opportunities

Equal opportunities
Supporting children with additional needs
Achieving positive behaviour

Promoting Health & Hygiene

Unwell child
Administering medication
No smoking
Managing allergies
Smoking, alcohol and drugs
Nappy changing
Food, drink & Nutrition
First Aid
Footwear policy
Anaphylaxis first aid

Suitable People

Equal opportunities
Supporting children with additional needs
Achieving positive behaviour

Health & Safety

Risk assessments
Food, Nutrition & hygiene


Fee payments

Childcare Practice

Role of the key-person
Parental involvement
Working in partnership with other agencies
Restraining & holding
Care, learning & play
Touching & holding
Clothing & jewellery
Transition to school
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